The flames only went higher yesterday, with rampant voter intimidation, campaign directors verbally attacking 15 year old volunteers, poll watchers being called communists, being told to leave places where we knew we could be, literature being ripped up, and campaign workers (with their campaign t-shirts on) sitting at the table in front of the polls and trying to act like poll workers!
Even with all the shady games being played, lots of our Youth Slate candidates came out ahead. They wanted to rap with all of us, just to let us all know how blessed they’re feeling and how much they appreciate all our hustling before the primary!
Bruce Kraus, City Council District 3 (D)

Patrick Dowd, City Council District 7 (D): "The PA League of Young Voters PAC has played a critical role in this effort. The League knows better than anyone that heart, hard work, and the engagement of every single voter makes for good campaigns, good democracy, and good government. I can't thank the League enough for its tireless work and passionate advocacy."
Michael Lamb (D)
William Mullen, Allegheny County (D)
Heather Arnet, District 2 (D)
Sherry Hazuda, District 6 (D)
Brenda Frazier, District 13 (D)

Debra Todd, Supreme Court of PA (D): "Thanks to the PA League of Young Voters for their support and for their endorsement of my candidacy for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Our youth hold the promise of tomorrow; and I appreciate all of the work the League of Young Voters is doing to educate and inform our young people about elections. As a judge with 25 years experience, and as a mother, I recognize the importance of protecting our children and encouraging our young people to become the leaders of tomorrow."

Anne Lazarus, Superior Court (D): "I am enormously proud of the support I received from all across the commonwealth. With the support of organizations like the Pennsylvania League of Young Voters and our teachers, I was able to put together a winning coalition for the primary and build a solid foundation for the general election."
Cheryl Allen, Superior Court (R)
Jack McVay, Court of Common Pleas (D/R)

Cathy Bubash, Court of Common Pleas (D/R): “I want to take a minute to stop and recognize the most exciting thing to hit Pittsburgh in a long time - the PA League of Young Voters. The League walks the talk and backs up what it says with people who care and results -oriented action! Thanks you for all of your help and I look forward to seeing your membership at the next great event that you host.”
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